May the 15th, 2002

Grazie molto, PFM!

I went to your gig at Club Citta' for 3 days.
May the 10th was my 17th wedding anniversary.
May the 11th was my wife's birthday, and she was there, too.

And yes!, I was there with you at Nakano Sun Plaza 26 years ago!!!
... It was the night Mr. Djivas threw his white bass guitar to us.

I have been very very big fan of progressive rock since I was 13 years old.
You and FOCUS first opened our eyes and ears to European rock.

I was really most deeply impressed.
Especially, "River of Life" makes me shedding tears of joy for 3 times.

Now my only regret is that I did not go with my two sons. Please come again, PFM - Maestro della Musica.

Bravi! Ottimo! Splendido! Fantastico!!


May the 14th, 2002

Hello PFM members.

How do you do. My name is Kazuyuki. I send this mail from the island of Far East.
I went May the 10th PFM concert in Tokyo Japan and I can't stop writing this. That was the greatest concert I've ever gone befor. After a long long time waiting, you finally came here in Japan and gave us the hyper-cool performance. What a fantastic affair! Thank you very much for comming Japan!!
When I first got your album -Photos of Ghosts- I was a teenager. Ever since I've been one of the most enthusiastic PFM fan.
Unfortunately you stopped world-wide activities for long period, I nearly forgot you. But thanks to internet and e-commerce, I could see your Home Page and get your all Italian CDs from -Passpaetu- to -Serendipity-. And all of they were filled with fantastic music and songs.
When you first came to Japan 27 years ago, I coudn't go to the concert. Because I lived small toun far from Tokyo and the ticket was too expensive for a high-school boy. So after nearly 30 years of waiting, finally I could meet you and spend great time with you. Who can mesure the value of this tremendous experience!
Thank you again and I am looking forward to seeing you here in Japan again. Or I must study the Italian hard and save money to go to your country.


May the 14th, 2002

I went to the last gig in kawasaki, May 12.
Listening the introduction of RIVER OF LIFE, I was moved to tears. When are you going to release DVD and CD? I hope you will come back to Japan every single year. Next time, please play songs from Ulisse. I like not only 70's PFM songs but also recent ones. Thank you so much.


May the 14th, 2002

I went to your show at CLUB CITTA
I was very very happy to see the show!
Member's performance was powerful and emotional!
Franz's drumming play voice and performance was really aggressive and great!!!

Please come back to JAPAN next year!!!!


May the 14th, 2002

Ho andato a l'ultimo concerto di PFM in Giappone,ieri sera.

Questa sera, satellite TV canale giapponese si chiama "WOWOW" ho registato il concerto.
In uditorio ci sono dei Italiani con sorrisi grande. Ancora, uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione grande da inizio, hanno accogliere con tante applausi.

Franz ha indossato vestito di giapponese si chiama"Happi" azzurro,ancora questa sera.
Anche hanno cominciato con "La carrozza di Hans".
Dopo PFM ha cominciato suonare, uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione grande piu.

Perfomance e fantastico stesso di l'altoro ieri.
Patrick ha sta con occhiali da sole, e ha suona suo basso forza, gentile. Franz ha cantato insieme con "drum sticks" ancora, e suo batteria ha cantato con suoi "drum sticks"
Tastiere di Flavio e Chitarre di Franco hanno fa cantare con forza, dorce,splendido.
Lucio ha avuto molto da fare molto ancora questa sera, con violino, chitarre, tastiere, cantare.
Noi non dimentiaro super supportare di Pietro.

questa sera Franco ha intorodurre "Peninsula"in giapponese ancora. "Questo musica esprime nostalgia di Italiano" Tutti uditorio hanno stato felice molto.

"Out of the roundabout"
Voce di Franz sembra da Lanzetti.

In "La luna nuova (Four holes in the ground)"
Questa sera, ancora uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione, gioia grande!!

Dopo pauza hanno cominciato con bella solo di Flavio.
Qulla sera la con melodia di "Dove e Quando parte 2"
Da solo di Flavio a bella "Dove e Quando parte 1"
Bella melodia e violino di Lucio ha canto bella.

"Mr. 9 till 5" "Chitarre solo di Franco" "Altaloma" "Violin solo di Lucio" "Rossini's William Tell Overture" Uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione grande ancora!!

poi PFM ho chiesto il bis.

Franz ha detto 3piu musica!!? e vero??
Franco ha detto di sequito "4,5,6,7,8 ha-ha-ha" con sorriso. Anche noi abbiamo riso grande per allegro di Franco.

Primo,"Impressioni di settembre"
Seconda, "E' festa (Celebration)"
Terzo!! "La luna nuova (Four holes in the ground)" ancora!!! Uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione grande! grande!! grande!!! ancora!!

L'ultimo,Franz ha detto a uditorio"Grazie,PFM sta in Giappone e tante felictia",a promoter e tuoi amici "Grazie molto"

poi... PFM ha scomparuto in Applausifrenetici.
Uditorio non hanno smettito applausifrenetici con sorriso grande!!

Questi giorni e stato "E' festa" grande per me.
Bravi! Ottimo! Fantastico!!
Grazie molto PFM.

Vorrei sentire,ascoltare suoni dei Maestri ancora!

Ci sono tanti tanti appassionati appassionato di PFM in Giappone. Non dimenticate questo, per favore.


May the 14th, 2002

Hello PFM members.

How do you do. My name is Kazuyuki. I send this mail from the island of Far East.
I went May the 10th PFM concert in Tokyo Japan and I can't stop writing this. That was the greatest concert I've ever gone befor. After a long long time waiting, you finally came here in Japan and gave us the hyper-cool performance. What a fantastic affair! Thank you very much for comming Japan!!
When I first got your album -Photos of Ghosts- I was a teenager. Ever since I've been one of the most enthusiastic PFM fan.
Unfortunately you stopped world-wide activities for long period, I nearly forgot you. But thanks to internet and e-commerce, I could see your Home Page and get your all Italian CDs from -Passpaetu- to -Serendipity-. And all of they were filled with fantastic music and songs.
When you first came to Japan 27 years ago, I coudn't go to the concert. Because I lived small toun far from Tokyo and the ticket was too expensive for a high-school boy. So after nearly 30 years of waiting, finally I could meet you and spend great time with you. Who can mesure the value of this tremendous experience!
Thank you again and I am looking forward to seeing you here in Japan again. Or I must study the Italian hard and save money to go to your country.


May the 14th, 2002

I went to the last gig in kawasaki, May 12.
Listening the introduction of RIVER OF LIFE, I was moved to tears. When are you going to release DVD and CD? I hope you will come back to Japan every single year. Next time, please play songs from Ulisse. I like not only 70's PFM songs but also recent ones. Thank you so much.


May the 14th, 2002

I went to your show at CLUB CITTA
I was very very happy to see the show!
Member's performance was powerful and emotional!
Franz's drumming play voice and performance was really aggressive and great!!!

Please come back to JAPAN next year!!!!


May the 15th, 2002

Grazie molto, PFM!

I went to your gig at Club Citta' for 3 days.
May the 10th was my 17th wedding anniversary.
May the 11th was my wife's birthday, and she was there, too.

And yes!, I was there with you at Nakano Sun Plaza 26 years ago!!!
... It was the night Mr. Djivas threw his white bass guitar to us.

I have been very very big fan of progressive rock since I was 13 years old.
You and FOCUS first opened our eyes and ears to European rock.

I was really most deeply impressed.
Especially, "River of Life" makes me shedding tears of joy for 3 times.

Now my only regret is that I did not go with my two sons. Please come again, PFM - Maestro della Musica.

Bravi! Ottimo! Splendido! Fantastico!!


May the 12th, 2002

Today's performance was the best. Come to Japan again.
This tune was especially the best ALTALOMA FIVE TILL NINE
CELEBRATION It is the best.
Mr.. CIOCCIO is grateful.
Than the Japanese fan, to everyone of PFM.

May the 12th, 2002

Ho andato a il concerto ieri sera.
Bravo! PFM! Splendido!

Secondo il mio parere,
Perfomance di 5/9 e piu buono di 5/8.
Perfomance di 5/10 e piu buono di 5/9.
Perfomance di 5/11 e piu buono di 5/10.
Come diventaro stasera?

Ieri (5/11) a Kawasaki club citta,Seconda notte.

Uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione grande da inizio,hanno accogliere con tante applausi.
Franz ha indossato vestito di giapponese si chiama-Happi-azzurro. Anche quella sera,hanno cominciato con -La carrozza di Hans-. La voce di Franco e bello.

prossimo e stato da -Intro- a -River of life-
A causa di questo musica,ho andato in Italia.
Incredibile,super arrengimenti.

prossimo e stato -Photos of ghost-
e cominciare con bella suoni degli Patrick e Flavio.

prossimo e stato -Peninsula-
Franco non ha intorodurre in giapponese quella sera.
Ho pennso di Mediterraneo.

prossimo e stato-Out of the roundabout-
Franz ha viene qui di fronte,ha canto in inglese.
Ha stato con -drum stick- sempre,di fronte 2sticks,di dietro 5sticks. Anche Pietro ha suono bene ritmo.

prossimo e stato-La rivoluzione-da-Serendipity-
Suoni di rock forza.

prossimo e stato-Suonare suonare-
Voce di Franz ha stato con spirito!

prossimo e stato-Promenade the puzzle-
Suoni hanno stato complicati e bella,sembrare articoli di vetro. Franz ha ballato, ha sembro balletto.

prossimo e stato- La luna nuova (Four holes in the ground)-
Incredibile! Super arrengimenti!
Super driving tempo5/4!!
Suoni forte dei Patrick e Franz,suoni elegante dei Franco,Flavio e Lucio.
Uditorio hanno avuto eccitazione,gioia grande!!

(Uditorio hanno detto reciprocamente -splendido!- -eccellente!- -ottimo!-)

Dopo pauza hanno cominciato con bella solo di Flavio.
Da solo di Flavio a bella -Dove e Quando-
Bella melodia.
Anche violino di Lucio ha canto bella.

prossimo e stato-Il banchetto-
Franco ha suono chitarre acustich 12corde e Lucio ha suono chitarre acustich 6corde.

poi a -Dolcissima Maria-
Che bella!
Patrick ho suono flauto diritto.
Musica fantastica!

prossimo e stato per -Demetorio Stratos di Area-si chiama -Maestro della voce-
Io non ha saputo che questo musica per Demetorio.
(Anche,mi piace Giappone,e famoso che Patrick e stato a Area, Lucio ha suonato con Demetrio in duo)
Uditorio hanno canto con Franz.
Franz e basso di Patrick hanno canto reciprocamente in ultima parte di musica.

prossimo e stato-Si puo fare-
Franz ha intorodurre menbri di PFM.
Franco ha intorodurre Franz.
Io non ha saputo che Lucio da Cremona.
Cremona e famoso di violino, penso questo e perche Lucio suona violino super.

prossimo e stato da - Mr. 9 till 5- a -Chitarre solo di Franco- -Altaloma- -Violin solo di Lucio- -Rossini's William Tell Overture-
Incredibile! Super!
quella notte, amprifire di Lucio non ha guasta.
Mi arrendo delle suoni di PFM!!
Franz ho suonato batteria forteissimo e delicato.
Franco e Lucio hanno suonato super solo!

PFM hanno finito suonare, ma uditorio hanno volato sentire,ascortare piu. Uditorio hanno gridato con Applausifrenetici!! -PFM,PFM,PFM,PFM!-

Ecco PFM!
PFM hanno suono ancora!

Franco ha cominciato cantare -Impressioni di settembre- Uditorio hanno ascortato, ma hanno avuto eccitazione con melodia di -mini moog- di Flavio.

L'ultimo hanno suonato - E' festa (Celebration)-
Uditorio hanno stato con gioia!
Tutti hanno stato in piedi con Applausifrenetici!!

Tutto finito di questa concerto, ma Uditorio non hanno smettito applausi frenetici!!
Bravo! PFM! Splendido!

Mi scusi,mio Italiano e semplice e povero.
Allola,oggi andoro l'ultimo concerto in Giappone.


May the 11th, 2002

Really fantastic nights!!
It is for the first time for me to see their performance because I was just a boy 26 years ago.
There were 2 shows per night and each show has different set list, but most of the songs were from -Photos of Ghosts- and -The World Became the World- albums (Not an Italian version), and only 1song from the latest LPs.

Their performance was much more powerful and aggressive than I had expected, especially Franz's drumming was really amazing! The shows in the 2nd night sounded better but in my personal opinionthe very first show on May 8th was the best though the members seemeda little bit tensed, because all the audience was totally knocked down bythe first note that came from keyboards and our eyes and ears were gluedto their memorable first show in Japan.

I was very happy and lucky to see the whole show at Blue Note.

Now, the first concert in Tokyo was over. As you know -Blue Note- is an excellent club but it is mainly for jazz and jazz-fusion music. -Citta- is a much bigger place and excellent PA systemand better for PFM's music. There are more fans of PFM and progressive rock andthey must have given PFM warm and friendly welcome!
Hiro K

May the 11th, 2002

hi, I went to your gig at CLUB CITTA yesterday.
It was wonderful, fine, great, beautiful.................
Thanks for your wonderful play !!!

My hasband (he is Bass Guitar Player) is very very big fan of yours since he was 14 years old. (41years old now) PFM is his most favorite band.
He has ALL albums of yours, (LP&CD both!) he made the band of PFM's copy when he was high school@student.

His dream was come true last night!
I'm very happy, too.

I report for you about CLUB CITTA's hall.
I found many japanese famous musicians at lobby, and many fans buy CD, magazine, T-shirts, cap.......... very exciting!!!!!
I will go to also tomorrow.
I am looking forward to your last gig of this tour.
Please come back to japan soon!
